Door Lockdown Systems Comparison

When it comes to protecting students, staff, and customers during an active shooter scenario, every second counts. That’s why it’s crucial to have a reliable door lockdown system in place. While there are several products available on the market, not all of them are created equal. In this page, we’ll compare Haven Lockdown to six other popular door lockdown systems on the market, examining key features such as centralized control, technological connectivity, and resistance to force. By the end of this article, you’ll see why Haven Lockdown is the clear choice for those seeking the most advanced and effective door lockdown system available today.

school shooter with gun

Criteria 1: Can multiple locks be controlled from a central location for global lockdown?

The ability to control multiple locks from a central location is a critical feature for any door lockdown system. In an emergency situation, every second counts, and being able to activate a lockdown quickly and efficiently can mean the difference between life and death. A central control panel allows authorized personnel to activate a lockdown for an entire building or a specific area with a single command, increasing the speed and effectiveness of the response. It also helps to ensure that all doors are locked and secured, leaving no room for error or confusion.

With this in mind, let’s examine how each of the door lockdown systems on our list measures up:

  1. Haven Lockdown: Multiple locks can be controlled from a central location for global lockdown.
  2. Manually activated floor brace: Manual door lock system with each lock that is secured individually. Multiple locks cannot be controlled from a central location for global lockdown.
  3. Keyless one button bolt-locks: Manual door lock system with each lock that is secured individually. Multiple locks cannot be controlled from a central location for global lockdown.
  4. Outward swinging door barricade: Manual door lock system with each lock that is secured individually. Multiple locks cannot be controlled from a central location for global lockdown.
  5. Manual door latch brace: Manual door lock system with each lock that is secured individually. Multiple locks cannot be controlled from a central location for global lockdown.

As we can see, only Haven Lockdown can be controlled from a central location for global lockdown. This is a critical feature that ensures that all locks are engaged quickly and efficiently in the event of an emergency. However, it’s important to note that the level of automation and integration with other systems can vary widely between different products. In the next sections, we’ll delve into more detail on each system’s capabilities and features to help you make an informed decision.

Criteria 2: Can locks be activated/deactivated universally or individually using phone app?

In addition to being able to control locks from a central location, the ability to activate and deactivate locks universally or individually using a phone app can greatly enhance the effectiveness of a door lockdown system. With a phone app, authorized personnel can control locks from anywhere, without needing to be physically present on the premises. This can be particularly useful in situations where time is of the essence, and it’s critical to act quickly. Additionally, the ability to activate and deactivate locks individually allows for a more targeted response, locking only the areas that are in immediate danger.

  1. Haven Lockdown: Can be activated/deactivated universally or individually using a phone app.
  2. Manually activated floor brace: Manual operation only. No phone app to activate/deactivate locks universally or individually.
  3. Keyless one button boltlocks: Manual operation only. No phone app to activate/deactivate locks universally or individually.
  4. Outward swinging door barricade: Manual operation only. No phone app to activate/deactivate locks universally or individually.
  5. Manual door latch brace: Manual operation only. No phone app to activate/deactivate locks universally or individually.

As we can see, Haven Lockdown is the only system on our list that can be activated/deactivated universally or individually using a phone app. This is a powerful feature that provides an additional layer of flexibility and convenience, allowing authorized personnel to control locks from anywhere, at any time.

Criteria 3: Can locks be linked to early warning technology for rapid deployment?

The ability to link door locks to early warning technology can provide an added layer of protection in the event of an active shooter scenario. By connecting locks to sensors such as motion detectors, smart cameras, or sound sensors, authorized personnel can be alerted to the presence of a threat and initiate a lockdown quickly and efficiently. This can help to minimize the risk of casualties and increase the chances of apprehending the attacker. Rapid activation of locks is critical in such situations, and early warning technology can provide the necessary trigger to initiate the lockdown process.

  1. Haven Lockdown: Can be linked to early warning technology such as motion detectors, smart cameras, and sound sensors.
  2. Manually activated floor brace: Does not have any abilities to connect to technologies.
  3. Keyless one button bolt-locks: Does not have any abilities to connect to technologies.
  4. Outward swinging door barricade: Does not have any abilities to connect to technologies.
  5. Manual door latch brace: Does not have any abilities to connect to technologies.

Only Haven Lockdown has access to all three technologies (motion detectors, smart cameras, and sound sensors) through a central control panel. This integration with early warning technology provides an additional layer of protection and can help to ensure a rapid response in the event of an active shooter scenario. Haven Lockdown also offers a phone app for remote activation, as well as an egress button for quick exit in emergency situations. Additionally, Haven Lockdown’s automatic activation feature ensures that the lockdown process begins immediately upon detection of a threat, without the need for manual intervention. While the other systems on our list provide reliable manual locking mechanisms, Haven Lockdown offers the added benefit of early warning technology integration, increasing the overall effectiveness of the system.

Criteria 4: Can door be breached by shooting off lock?

The strength and durability of a door lock can be the difference between life and death during an active shooter scenario. Locks that are built into existing bolt locks or do not offer a reinforced solution may be particularly vulnerable to attack, as they can be easily disabled by a high-powered weapon. Unfortunately, locks that are all built around the existing bolt lock therefore can be easily disabled, and if a lock offers a reinforced solution then the reinforcement needs to be broad and not a narrow plate.

  1. Haven Lockdown: The locking mechanism is reinforced with broad steel plates and features a top of door locking mechanism that is hard to defeat.
  2. Manually activated floor brace: Uses a small metal plate to reinforce the door.
  3. Keyless one button bolt-locks: Built around the existing bolt lock and can be easily disabled by a high-powered weapon.
  4. Outward swinging door barricade: Only effective for outward-opening doors, leaving inward-swinging doors vulnerable.
  5. Manual door latch brace: Built around the existing bolt lock and can be easily disabled by a high-powered weapon.

As we can see, Haven Lockdown offers the strongest and most durable locking mechanism on our list, thanks to its reinforced steel plates and large broad unit that adds greater area of reinforcement. Manually activated floor braces also offer reinforced solutions, but they are not as strong as Haven Lockdown since their area of reinforcement is simply a small vertical plate and not a broad area of reinforced steel. Unfortunately, keyless one button bolt-locks and manual door latch braces are built around the existing bolt lock, making them more vulnerable to attack. Outward swinging door barricades are only effective for outward-opening doors, leaving inward-swinging doors vulnerable. Overall, the strength and durability of a door lock are crucial factors to consider when selecting a door lockdown system, and Haven Lockdown stands out as the strongest and most reliable option available.

Criteria 5: Are there multiple ways to remotely unlock individual doors or areas of the system in case there’s a need to override?

During an active shooter scenario, there may be situations where it is necessary to evacuate individuals from certain rooms or areas of a building. In such cases, it’s important to have a door lockdown system that allows for individual doors or areas to be remotely unlocked in order to evacuate those in imminent danger. The ability to override the lockdown system in a controlled and strategic manner can help to minimize the risk of casualties and ensure that those in danger are able to evacuate safely. This is particularly important in larger buildings or facilities where a full-scale evacuation may not be practical or safe.

  1. Haven Lockdown: Can be remotely activated/deactivated via a phone app, as well as from a central control panel. Additionally, there is an egress button for quick exit in emergency situations.
  2. Manually activated floor brace: Does not have the ability to remotely unlock individual doors or areas of the system.
  3. Keyless one button bolt-locks: Does not have the ability to remotely unlock individual doors or areas of the system.
  4. Outward swinging door barricade: Does not have the ability to remotely unlock individual doors or areas of the system.
  5. Manual door latch brace: Does not have the ability to remotely unlock individual doors or areas of the system.

As we can see, Haven Lockdown is the only system on our list that allows for remote unlocking of individual doors or areas of the system in case of an emergency. The phone app and central control panel offer multiple ways to activate or deactivate the system, allowing for a strategic and controlled override in case of an emergency evacuation. The egress button also allows for quick and easy exit in emergency situations. The other systems on our list rely on manual operation and do not have the ability to remotely unlock individual doors or areas of the system. This limitation may be particularly problematic in larger buildings or facilities, where a full-scale evacuation may not be practical or safe.


In conclusion, when it comes to selecting a door lockdown system for protection against active shooter scenarios, Haven Lockdown stands out as the clear winner. The system offers several key advantages, including rapid activation, remote control via phone app and central control panel, and integration with early warning technology such as motion detectors, smart cameras, and sound sensors. Additionally, the strength of the lockdown system is reinforced with steel plates and features a large unit that reinforces the door from the top, making it highly resistant to being shot off. Furthermore, the ability to remotely unlock individual doors or areas of the system in case of an emergency evacuation provides an additional layer of control and safety.

When it comes to protecting lives, there is no price that is too high to pay. The Haven Lockdown system offers the most comprehensive and reliable solution available, with no vulnerabilities that could cost lives. In the event of an active shooter scenario, every second counts, and Haven Lockdown’s rapid activation and integration with early warning technology can provide valuable time for occupants to seek shelter or escape. Ultimately, Haven Lockdown provides the peace of mind that comes from knowing that you are protected by the strongest, most reliable door lockdown system available.

HAVEN Lockdown Features

Meets ADA, fire code, and safety regulations
Hard installed for permanent security
10x stronger than a conventional lock
One motion unlock compliant
Made with military grade materials
Triple level failsafe system
Long lasting internal battery
Government level encryption
Threat detection with HAVEN Beacon or integrated system
Connect multiple locks to one system
Control via smart phone, key fob, and manually integrated panel
Inward and outward door compatibility
Dashboard access for admin visibility
Egress button(s) available

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